Sunday, 26 January 2020

Daily Psychic Blurb January 27th

where there is crisis there is calm and when the 'shit hits the fan' a person really understands where loyalties lie. Even though it may feel like you have just ridden the biggest storm of your life when one discovers the greatest treasure the arduous event that got you there soon becomes a heroic adventure.  To find the deepest meaning and lessons one must dig deep and although x may mark the spot on a map there will be more hidden clues within the chest' that holds the secret. There is always more to uncover and even when you feel that this is the last voyage you have the energy for , soon the passion inside will call you on a new soul mission.  Life is a constant journey and each uphill battle leads to a peek' at a new path.   Keep going even though your mouth feels dry as at the next crossroads there will be a bigger oasis and you will be able to quench your thirst once again.

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