Thursday, 30 January 2020

Daily Blurb january 31st 2020

.Today is about focus. Which way? Well that all depends on your personal preferences. Focusing on the past and what has been can create a blockage in the road ahead although one must remember the good times and even the less favourable events are the ones that shape our future. Let's suggest that today moving in a forward motion is the best option. That's it one step at a time easy does it. Oh did you drop something? That's ok think about that later if it was important it would have remained by your side..Feeling lighter? good now on going.. #dailyblurb #justathought #itmakessense #saraperry #letgooftheburdens #timetomoveforward

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Daily Psychic Blurb january 29th 2020

29 the number of JOB' in the bible. Anyone with this number needs to really work with the karmic energies but even if you were not born on the 29th it is a good idea right now to do things by the book. Cutting corners may have a high price to pay so make sure everything is done correctly even if you feel impatient. It is all part of the plan all the peices are not yet in place and when they are you will realise how important each little step has been. Rewards are about to be reaped all over the globe so be ready to cash in on the good fortune cloud getting closer. Wrap up the old and make a large space for something new and exciting. Yes there are doubts naturally as to why? How? but think of the first time round as a dress rehearsal. All the things that did not go as planned can now be avoided or rectified. Leave off over indulgence or extreme make overs and just work with your natural skills they will prove to be the most beneficial and remember what is happening right now is enough to deal with so even if you feel that you are wasting time and feel guilty about just wanting to veg in front of the tv know that it is all part of the greater plan. Maybe its about time you were just still and did nothing? I mean how often do you get that time. Be good to yourself and kind and the universes will reciprocate.  Have a wonderful day folks you have earned it...

Monday, 27 January 2020

Daily Psychuc Blurb january 28th 2020

You may well be a feature but it's how you are featured which will determine your success. You may well have your name in lights but if the lights are permanently off then how will others see you clearly.  You may well be a big fish in a small pond but if there is only a small space to swim in then there is little room for expansion.
A contract with no signature is just a piece of paper with words written upon it. You may discover hidden depths in a shallow commitment so make sure you focus on manifesting quality.  The  you will star in your own blockbuster movie, shining brightly for years to come as you expand your pool of knowledge. Sign a commitment to yourself today and choose the best future possible
Everything is turning the RIGHT way up, so allow yourself to go with it. Liberation is the key in order to get a firmer foundation. There is a change coming which will release the last bit of yuck into the ether and you will find the answers you are looking for. Someone may present things on a plate that seem tempting but sift through the top layers as underneath there may be a few rotten fruits which will not be worth their weight in gold. Know your worth and go for quality. Help yourself a little whilst helping others as the balance needs to be right for things to work out successfully. ..
Please like and share thank you have a great day !!

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Sunday, 26 January 2020

Daily Psychic Blurb January 27th

where there is crisis there is calm and when the 'shit hits the fan' a person really understands where loyalties lie. Even though it may feel like you have just ridden the biggest storm of your life when one discovers the greatest treasure the arduous event that got you there soon becomes a heroic adventure.  To find the deepest meaning and lessons one must dig deep and although x may mark the spot on a map there will be more hidden clues within the chest' that holds the secret. There is always more to uncover and even when you feel that this is the last voyage you have the energy for , soon the passion inside will call you on a new soul mission.  Life is a constant journey and each uphill battle leads to a peek' at a new path.   Keep going even though your mouth feels dry as at the next crossroads there will be a bigger oasis and you will be able to quench your thirst once again.

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Daily Psychic Blurb 26th January 2020

 I a storm was electric you would not want to go out in it so why put yourself within situations that have a similar toxic tension or stress. Its time to step away from the gossip that although can seem harmless could be potentially dangerous to your equilibrium.  Why are you drawn into these things? Does it really help you progress or does it actually deflate your energy?  See yourself as a balloon that is filling up with fresh air today  and taking to the skies where you can rise above these things and be able to see a much wider perspective of what is to come and also what is possible ... Start using better management skills by putting the energy into yourself instead of wasting it on those who have little care or respect for you.
Look within for the answers and if you find yourself wandering round in the dark for heavens sake switch the light!! Imagine you are on a train at this time and you are stopping at different junctions and stations. Each one is a different location and a completely different outlook. So far they may have seemed nothing out of the ordinary but there is one stop that will stand out from the rest as it will give you a feeling of deja vu. It will feel like you have come home and understand exactly what was special about the last few weeks. you have learned a lot over the last few years and it is now that everything is making sense. Be aware of strangers today in the way that they may just be useful and no I don't mean go up to random people in the street just be aware of their actions, the way someone may look at you or behave around you. there is a key to the conundrum that has been weighing hard on your mind so let go of your fear and use it. The right door will open up almost before you turn the key in the lock so relax with the knowledge that spirit will be a great guidance today.  ...

Friday, 24 January 2020

Daily Blurb January 25th 2020

Sometimes you just need to step back completely and allow life to lead the way. Take away the hold you have today and relax in the arms of the universe. if you can trust enough you will feel a natural support that stops weighing you down, start to lift you higher. soon it will be time to spread your wings completely so get ready as this will be the flight of your life..
Perspective is everything and so it is important to make sure you can see the goal posts clearly and what is in fact there. You may be seeing something transpiring which seems uncomfortable or suspicious but you do not have all the information so hold fire before making a move. A loophole could open up within a tangled mess soon so watch and listen whilst going about your business and whoever or whatever it is will make its or their presence known.  Take today as a day off the norm and do something completely different, plans could change at short notice and others may seem awkward but you do not have to let that prevent you from having a good time. Think quality and chuck out anything that has little use,   recycling things into more beneficial products. If in doubt chuck it out but as you do it have your heart open, doubt will create blocks remember and there are already enough of those to overcome.  I was told some very wise words not so long ago which have stuck with me ever since.' the past is the past , the future is unknown and now is a gift that is why it is called 'the present'..

Daily psychic Blurb January 24th 2019

Allow yourself time to grow. If when a plant began to grow, you were to pull at it  in order to assist it further, you would be likely to destroy the root. The speed depends on the weather conditions and the time it needs to develop naturally and the same goes for ourselves . getting assistance is wonderful but sometimes it is necessary to go it alone so that we can learn independence.  There is strength around today and luck where you may least expect . Give yourself time and you will receive what you need.  If you are feeling stressed or tired then start to listen to the voice inside you of what you need right now. If you allow things flow naturally everything will come good . Accept that sometimes a change needs to happen to progress.  ..#psychic #love #money #january #24th #daily #insight #thoughtfortheday #inspirational #guidance #saraperrypsychic 

Sunday, 19 January 2020

20th - 26th January 2020 Psychic Guidance for New Moon in Aquarius Big...

#dailypsychicinsight #guidance #week #saraperry #psychicintuitive #psychicseer #inspiration #january #2020 #newmoon #20th #26th #aquarius #psychicinspain #mojcar #vera #palomares #freereadingsonline #followme #bookareading #bigchange #emotionas #work #love #finances #relationships #relations #family #home #money #abundance

20th - 26th January 2020 Psychic Guidance for New Moon in Aquarius Big...

#dailypsychicinsight #guidance #week #saraperry #psychicintuitive #psychicseer #inspiration #january #2020 #newmoon #20th #26th #aquarius #psychicinspain #mojcar #vera #palomares #freereadingsonline #followme #bookareading #bigchange #emotionas #work #love #finances #relationships #relations #family #home #money #abundance

Psychic Astro Scopes For All Sunsigns week January 20th - 26th 2020 by ...

#virgo #guidance #week #saraperry #gemini #cancer #leo #january #newmoon #20th #26th #aquarius #psychicinspain #scorpio #sagittarius #palomares #freereadingsonline #capricorn #bookareading #aries #taurus #work #love #psices #relationships #relations #family #home #money #libra

Psychic Astro Scopes For All Sunsigns week January 20th - 26th 2020 by ...

#virgo #guidance #week #saraperry #gemini #cancer #leo #january #newmoon #20th #26th #aquarius #psychicinspain #scorpio #sagittarius #palomares #freereadingsonline #capricorn #bookareading #aries #taurus #work #love #psices #relationships #relations #family #home #money #libra

The Psychic Seer: Daily Psychic Insight And 20th January 2020

The Psychic Seer: Daily Psychic Insight And 20th January 2020: I want you to look back to the first time when you first sought justice? It may be for a circumstance that arose last year it could be furth...

Daily Psychic Insight And 20th January 2020

I want you to look back to the first time when you first sought justice? It may be for a circumstance that arose last year it could be further back but it was a 'biggie',  in your eyes anyway. Now the question is what justice or payback was you or are you seeking? Is it to even the score and win back something lost? Is it to see someone suffer the way you have so they know how it feels? Or is it that you just want things right? So what is the payback? Monetary? How much then? How much will make you feel better about the situation? Especially if that person is loaded anyway? What they may have taken would not even scratch the surface of their bank account? So payback in that way may not be so satisfying after all. Think very carefully today about that real sense of justice and what would need to happen to achieve it and I mean really achieve it. If you are about to embark on a long-winded legal drama and are unsure then take into consideration how much energy that may take and how much energy that will take from you giving yourself some love. It is the right thing to stand strong in the face of a bully and fight for your rights but it less ok to then give up simple pleasures because you are still awarding the enemy your precious attentions. To achieve justice one must take back the power to put the scales in balance once more and so do this by building up your own strength with love and care. A judge in a high court has the power to grant you compensation by following the written law but the universe will turn things around the way things are meant to be by following its own rules and those decisions are out of our hands. They are the rules of 'it is the way that it is' and ' there is a reason'. Things are clicking together and all the pieces of defence are being brought forward to fight for what is right, witnesses are appearing where you least expect and new evidence is coming to light so let your personal representative 'Mr universe' do his job. Sit back and relax a little your day to really receive payback is just on the horizon and you will feel more fulfilled than you have done in years. You will be able to see how the case has been building and what was needed to allow the truth to come out. So stop wasting your priceless time wishing and wanting your day in court when the in actual fact the jury is already out and the final verdict is about to be heard. You have served your time and release is now imminent... #dailpsychicinsight #guidance #thoughtfortheday #saraperry #psychicintuitive #psychicseer #inspiration #justiceisserved #getjustice #naturaljustice #universallaw #loveyourself #beopentorecieve #learnhowtolove #maintainthebalance #january #2020